French ace, Andre Herbelin et NAF

Aéronautique, unités, avions & aviateurs
Messages : 173
Inscription : dim. sept. 13, 2009 2:00 am

Re: French ace, Andre Herbelin et NAF

Message par ww1_USA »

Bonjour a tous,
Pouviez vous me dire si vous connaisez une organization que s'appelle NAF?
Merci en avance et cordialement,

Le suivant et de mon ami que cherche la reponse:

"... to Paris to work in an organization called N.A.F. whose administrator was the French ace, Andre Herbelin. Thomas was happy to be back with aviators and was charged with the direction and problem-solving of its administration. He soon had difficulties with the hot-head Herbelin. Then he worked on the "annuaire" and enjoyed this time-consuming job. I checked Google for Herbelin but they only said that he was the chair of the French Aces association. Was this the same office Thomas worked in? By September 1936 Thomas was unhappy because of the difficult personality of the administrator and the lack of funds; his salary for July was only partially paid and nothing for August. He was applying for a position in state administration. In March 1937 he moved to Vanves (I assume that there was his new position) and he was re-activated during World War II in a protective balloon section.
Now my question: Could you find out about the name of the organization N.A.F. and what it was about? It must have been a private enterprise as they did not have money to pay salaries in time. I already checked with a few people here and there but to no avail." - mon livre "American Eagles", 400 pages, 225 photos, etc., environs 15 Euros - American Eagles - the Rise of American Aviation in World War I, 1914-1918
Messages : 173
Inscription : dim. sept. 13, 2009 2:00 am

Re: French ace, Andre Herbelin et NAF

Message par ww1_USA »

Bonsoir a tous,
Je suis toujours entrain de trouver d'information au sujet de ce group NAF si quelqun peut m'aider.
Narayan - mon livre "American Eagles", 400 pages, 225 photos, etc., environs 15 Euros - American Eagles - the Rise of American Aviation in World War I, 1914-1918
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Messages : 6333
Inscription : ven. oct. 31, 2008 1:00 am

Re: French ace, Andre Herbelin et NAF

Message par Yv' »

Bonsoir Narayan,

C'est la 2e fois que je fais une recherche sur Gallica, et je ne trouve rien...

Pour moi, ce qui se rapproche le plus, c'est la Ligue Aéronautique de France, et son journal ("organe officiel"), la Revue Aéronautique de France.
Vous trouverez quelques exemplaires de cette revue sur Gallica : ... que.langFR

Messages : 173
Inscription : dim. sept. 13, 2009 2:00 am

Re: French ace, Andre Herbelin et NAF

Message par ww1_USA »

Bonsoir a tous, bonsoir Yves,
Merci beaucoup. Je donnerais le lien a mon ami. Bonne fin de semaine! :)
Narayan - mon livre "American Eagles", 400 pages, 225 photos, etc., environs 15 Euros - American Eagles - the Rise of American Aviation in World War I, 1914-1918

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