La recherche a retourné 14 résultats

par Jacquot
ven. mai 15, 2009 10:59 pm
Forum : English
Sujet : 352 RI
Réponses : 1
Vues : 1517

Re: 352 RI

Bonjour a tout:

Does anyone have any information on the 352ie RI? I cannot seem to find anything. My grandfather was in this regiment in 1917.
par Jacquot
lun. avr. 20, 2009 11:44 pm
Forum : English
Sujet : WWI Memorials
Réponses : 10
Vues : 4037

Re: WWI Memorials

Yes, Baume-les-Dames Doubs. Merci
par Jacquot
lun. avr. 20, 2009 9:32 pm
Forum : English
Sujet : WWI Memorials
Réponses : 10
Vues : 4037

Re: WWI Memorials

<t>My great-uncle August Delphin Jacquot was killed at Beausejour Ferme one the first day of the 2nd battle of Champagne. I have all of his documentation but I am wondering if he is commemorated anywhere in France. Since his parents (my great-grandparents) were living in Canada his name is inscribed...
par Jacquot
lun. avr. 20, 2009 7:03 pm
Forum : English
Sujet : WWI Memorials
Réponses : 10
Vues : 4037

Re: WWI Memorials

Can anyone tell me where I can get a list of the Memorials to the French soldiers who perished in the first world war?
par Jacquot
lun. avr. 20, 2009 6:53 pm
Forum : English
Sujet : Help with two French soldiers wanted
Réponses : 17
Vues : 6041

Re: Help with two French soldiers wanted

The campe de suippes is open to the public for one day every two years. I also had a great-uncle who was killed at the battle of Beausejour Farm on the first day of the 2nd battle of Champagne. I believe this typically happens in the Fall (September?).
par Jacquot
lun. avr. 20, 2009 6:37 pm
Forum : English
Sujet : Poilus and the Croix de Guerre...
Réponses : 5
Vues : 4455

Re: Poilus and the Croix de Guerre...

<r>Chris,<br/> <br/> My greatgrandfather received the Croix de Guerre while in service with the French army during the Great War. I have been searching for his records, but so far have come up with nothing. I am told there is no official list of these medal recipients and I no longer know where to l...
par Jacquot
jeu. févr. 21, 2008 8:20 pm
Forum : English
Sujet : Emile Gustave Jacquot
Réponses : 2
Vues : 2826

Re: Emile Gustave Jacquot

<r>Armand,<br/> <br/> I am getting no response from Guillaume since before Christmas. Is he still at the same address? I have heard nothing further about my grandfather's records or where they might be.<br/> <br/> Irene<br/> <QUOTE><s>[quote]</s>Irene<br/> <br/> Were they French Citizen ?<br/> <br/>...
par Jacquot
lun. janv. 07, 2008 4:36 pm
Forum : English
Sujet : Beausejour
Réponses : 9
Vues : 4707

Re: Beausejour

<t>His name was Gustave Jacquot and he was born at Baume-les-dames in the department of Doubs. He emigrated to Canada less than one year before the French government called him to serve in the infantry. These are his words " I came to Canada on July 9, 1914, and returned to France on January 1, 1915...
par Jacquot
jeu. janv. 03, 2008 5:07 pm
Forum : English
Sujet : Beausejour
Réponses : 9
Vues : 4707

Re: Beausejour

<t>Merci beaucoup, Francois<br/> <br/> This is the best account of the battle of Champagne that I have seen. I received my great-uncle Auguste's service record from Vesoul, so I can now put that search to rest.<br/> I still am searching for my grandfather's records, however. No one seems to have the...
par Jacquot
mer. nov. 28, 2007 9:13 pm
Forum : English
Sujet : French WW1 Croix de guerre recipients
Réponses : 14
Vues : 6332

Re: French WW1 Croix de guerre recipients

Thank you Armand, I did not realize this would include the details of the medal.

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