Recruitment of Zouaves

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Messages : 7
Inscription : dim. juil. 17, 2011 2:00 am

Re: Recruitment of Zouaves

Message par 116thCEF »

Hello everyone,

I have a question similar to one posed by Achache:
pages1418/forum-pages-histoire/recrutem ... 9204_1.htm

The recruiting process in the French overseas territories is not clear to me, especially in the case of Algeria and the Zouaves. As I understand it, a French citizen could not be compelled to serve overseas, but Algeria was a special case; it was technically considered part of the Metropole, and yet was still overseas. So how were the conscription laws interpreted in the case of Algeria?

For example, let's say I am a military aged French citizen in Algeria in 1913. Where do I serve, and what regiment will I be assigned to? Do I go to the Colonial Infantry, a Line Regiment, or the Zouaves? It seems I do not automatically go to the Zouaves, since the ranks of the Zouaves seem to be filled with men from every corner of France, as is demonstrated by the evidence in another thread on this forum:
pages1418/forum-pages-histoire/1000-zou ... 5200_1.htm

I think there were Zouave battalions that had a higher proportion of Algerian men.

So, we have a situation where Zouave regiments in Algeria are filled with men recruited from almost everywhere but Algeria (only 113 of the casualities listed are from Algeria). It makes sense if Algeria is considered to be an overseas posting and the Zouaves are men who have volonteered to serve overseas. However my copy of the Handbook of the French Army 1914 states that conscripts posted to the Colonial army "cannot be forced to serve outside France or North Africa unless they consent" (p64) So it seems that North Africa is not considered to be "outside France"

That leads to the other part of my question, what was the selection process for the Zouave regiments. Was it different for the battalions stationed in France than those in North Africa?

Did Algerian Reservists train with Reserve Zouave battalions even though they might have done their National Service with another regiment?
I have probably made several factual errors, so please feel welcome to correct any assumptions I have made.

Thank you all!

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Messages : 7
Inscription : dim. juil. 17, 2011 2:00 am

Re: Recruitment of Zouaves

Message par 116thCEF »

I have also posted a similar topic in the French section:
pages1418/forum-pages-histoire/Armee-d- ... 1522_1.htm
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Alain Dubois-Choulik
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Re: Recruitment of Zouaves

Message par Alain Dubois-Choulik »

Hi Allan
I have no answer, being most interested by CEF (especially 46th Btn) than by French regiments, it's only to welcome you. You can post a short self-presentation in the "who's who" rubric.
I believed you were the CEF Study Group forum's member known as "116CEF", but he is from Oshawa Ont. and he signs "Mark" ....
Les civils en zone occupée
Ma famille dans la grande guerre
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     "Si on vous demande pourquoi nous sommes morts, répondez : parce que nos pères ont menti." R. Kipling
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Messages : 7
Inscription : dim. juil. 17, 2011 2:00 am

Re: Recruitment of Zouaves

Message par 116thCEF »

Hello Alain,
The CEF study group member must be a different person, but thanks for the welcome!
I believe we have met on that forum before. I have learned much since my original post on the CEF study group, but this is one of those difficult questions that still remains.
le zouave americain
Messages : 13
Inscription : dim. avr. 22, 2007 2:00 am

Re: Recruitment of Zouaves

Message par le zouave americain »

Hi Allan,

I have not posted here in several years. Or really even checked the messages but saw your post and thought I would lend some help.

First, all men in the Zouaves regiments were either French natural-born citizens or naturalized-citizens. No Indigenous Alegerians were present- these men would serve in the Tirailleurs Algeriens. You are absolutely correct- Algeria was consider Metropole... and the Zouaves were considered Metropolitan Regiments. Their conscription follows all the laws of conscription followed by all other Metropolotain regiments.

Metropole was broken down into 19 military regions. These were the 19e Corps de Armee or Corps de Recruit (depending on the context). Algeria was the 19e Corps de Armee (Armee d'Afrique) and the 19e Corps de Recruitment. But due to relatively limited French populations within the 19e Corps, it would stand to reason that while there were many French citizens in Algeria, there would not be enough to recruit the 4 regiments of Zouaves. This is a general statement, but men would be conscripted from the southern areas of France for those battalions in Algeria.

Zouave regiments were enormous compared to regular infantry regiments so took a lot more men. Partly this was because of the enormous mission of policing Algeria. Rather than 3 battalions, each Zouave regiment had 5,6 or 7 battalions. Plus many territorial battalions.

In France, each Zouave regiment maintained one battalion- this was the 5th battalion, from 1899. These battalions recruited from the regions near Paris and Lyon where there were plenty of conscripts and plenty of volunteers.

Reservists would be called to the nearest regiment to speed mobilization and ease then man's troubles of getting to his battalion. So once a reservist, a man would not be trucked from France to Algeria or vice-versa. The system of 2 or 3 years active duty followed by reserve service created a vast pool of reservists which grew every year; even in Algeria. So generally a reservist would serve near his home.

Hope this helps,

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