Joyeux Noel le film

Arts graphiques - cinéma - musique & chansons - poésie - danse -
Messages : 489
Inscription : lun. oct. 18, 2004 2:00 am
Localisation : Couternon cote d'Or amagasaki

Re: Joyeux Noel le film

Message par Roger »


je n'arrive pas a retrouver le lien de ce sujet concernant le film.
Je viens de voir le film le jour de Noel ,et je me range du coté des amis poilus Stephan Agosto et Eric Mansuy. Ayant lu des centaines de temoignages de guerre ,jamais rien lu ou vu ce qui avait dans ce film

Quelle déception!! Quel film merdique!!! !!Un film de science fiction ,que de l'invraisemblable !!! Le comble... l''officier allemand propose que tout les francais et anglais viennent dans sa tranchée pour les proteger du bombardement Allemands qui dure 2 secondes!! La belle chanteuse dors dans la tranchée dans la neige avec son amant et bien sur , ils ont pas froid du tout..bref rien que des conneries de ce genre ...Il y a eu des fraternisations evidemment , rien dans ce genre ,en tout cas , pas comme il est raconter dans ce film.

J'aurais mis un autre titre pour ce film viens dans ma tranchée boire un coup , j'habite dans un hotel !!
Enfin ce n'est que du cinema.......heureusement! Joyeux Noel!
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Eric Mansuy
Messages : 4990
Inscription : mer. oct. 27, 2004 2:00 am

Re: Joyeux Noel le film

Message par Eric Mansuy »

Bonjour à tous,
Bonjour Roger,

Un assez long "fil" sur le film fut celui-ci, ... 67&start=0 auquel tu avais d'ailleurs participé, et tu avais eu ce propos plein de bon sens : ce n'est que du cinéma.

Allez, Roger, te fais pas d'bile pour si peu un 25 décembre, et bien sincèrement : Joyeux Noël !

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Messages : 576
Inscription : lun. oct. 03, 2005 2:00 am

Re: Joyeux Noel le film

Message par f.vaudour »


J'ai bien aimé le symbole

Le sujet traité comme une pièce de théatre un peu plus animée ne peut avoir les effets spéciaux de la guerre des étoiles.

Effectivement, l'histoire des deux chanteurs apparait comme tirée par les cheveux. Mais n'oublions pas que c'est du romanesque et pas du documentaire !

A l'heure actuelle, le meilleur film sur 14/18 reste pour moi Capitaine Conan.

Au plaisir de vous lire

Messages : 9
Inscription : ven. déc. 23, 2005 1:00 am

Re: Joyeux Noel le film

Message par beaurepaire1945 »

l'évènement est réel.
il y a pire :début du film la lande écossaise - pays calvisniste présbytérien- où un pasteur anglican fait peindre une statue de la vierge (!) - le culte de la Vierge et des saints est banni dans le culte anglican et ce pasteur dit une messe catholique ( en latin ) à des Français (d'accord) à des écossais qui ne savent pas ce qu'est une messe et à des Allemands pour sont pour les 2 tiers luthériens...
Fallait le faire.
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francois noury
Messages : 720
Inscription : dim. oct. 17, 2004 2:00 am

Re: Joyeux Noel le film

Message par francois noury »


allons-y pour plus pire, pour nous pseudos scientifico-historiens: rendez-vous compte que dans le Titanic (film) en VF, le Commandant crie "à tribord toute" alors qu'à l'image se fait l'inverse! Une honte :lol: !

Amicalement, François

PS: Alain C. je n'ai pas pris part à ta réflexion mais y adhère complètement.
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Messages : 4758
Inscription : mar. juil. 12, 2005 2:00 am
Localisation : Aix-en-Provence

Re: Joyeux Noel le film

Message par LABARBE Bernard »

Bonsoir la compagnie,
François, tu as raison sur le fond, ("le fond", si j'ose dire...) sauf que c'est pas le commandant mais l'officier de quart qui est là (un commandant c'est fait pour dormir et en cas d'urgence brisez la vitre... :wink: )
Donc, l'officier dit à GAUCHE toute, et on voit effectivement le marin timonier tourner la roue de la barre à droite.
Le bateau se fait ouvrir comme une boite de conserve.. etc...
En fait, mais facile à dire après.., il aurait fait un tout droit dedans, il se serait écrasé le museau plus un ou deux compartiments mais pas plus, et voilà ! Pas de film ! :oops: :wink:
Je suis hors sujet je sais... :oops:
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Eric Mansuy
Messages : 4990
Inscription : mer. oct. 27, 2004 2:00 am

Re: Joyeux Noel le film

Message par Eric Mansuy »

Bonjour à tous,
Le texte est assez long, mais il me semble donner le meilleur aperçu de quelques messes communes aux ennemis de la veille (et du lendemain…). Désolé, c’est en anglais. C’est moi qui ai mis quelques passages en exergue.
Bien cordialement,
Eric Mansuy

One joint burial service which made a lasting impression on the participants took place to the south-west of Fleurbaix, in a waterlogged cabbage patch near the Sailly-Fromelles road - at the scene of the attack by the 2/Scots Guards and 2/Border of 20th Brigade on the night of 18/19 December.
Early on Christmas Day, Revd J. Esslemont Adams, Chaplain of the Gordon Highlanders in the same Brigade and Minister of the West United Free Church, Aberdeen, carried out a burial service behind the lines for one of the 6/Gordons who had been killed by sniper fire the previous day. Subsequently, he accompanied the commanding officer, Lieutenant-Colonel McLean, on his daily tour of inspection. As they made their way through the trenches, they saw some of their men clambering out and talking with the enemy. Colonel McLean ran along the front line and ordered the men to come down, but they ignored his instructions, pointing out that others further along were standing on the top and that ‘a number of the enemy were out on their side and gazing peacefully across’. Swiftly taking in the situation, Esslemont Adams realized that this was an ideal opportunity to arrange for the burial of the dead who had been lying beyond the wire since the previous week’s attack: the Gordons had not been involved but they were now in trenches occupied at that time by the Scots Guards. He told the CO his intention, then climbed on to the fire-step and strode out into No Man’s Land. On reaching a small ditch, which ran along the middle of the field between the lines, he held up his hands and called out to a group of Germans, ‘I want to speak to your Commanding Officer. Does anyone speak English?’ Several German officers were standing together, and one of them said, ‘Yes! Come over the ditch.’ The Chaplain hurried forward, saluted the senior German present and began to put his proposal to him and his staff.
Almost at the same moment a hare, disturbed by the unaccustomed activity in the field, burst into view and raced along between the lines. Germans and Scots, the latter with kilts flying, gave furious chase and it was finally captured by the Germans.
Adams and the German commander then resumed their ‘parley’ and the latter agreed to the burial of the dead and that subsequently Adams should conduct a short religious service: the 23rd Psalm would be read and a prayer offered in both English and German.
Throughout the morning the task of collecting the dead went on. The bodies were intermingled and lay dotted over the sixty yards separating the lines. They were carefully sorted out; the British were carried to the British side of the halfway line, the Germans to the German side. Spades were brought and each side set to work to dig the graves.
The Adjutant of the 2/Scots Guards, Captain Giles Loder, had led bis battalion’s attack on 18 December. On Christmas morning he was in the front-line trenches away to the right, and observed the activity going on opposite the Gordon Highlanders as the bodies were collected and the graves dug. So he climbed over the parapet and walked over the half-mile of open farmland to talk to the Germans and arrange burial for the Scots Guards killed in the same attack. He spoke with ‘an extremely pleasant and superior brand of German officer, who arranged to bring all our dead to the halfway line’. There were twenty-nine in all, most of them lying close to the enemy wire. Loder sorted through the bodies, collecting the personal effects, paybooks and identity discs. ‘It was heartrending’, he wrote later that day in the battalion War Diary, ‘to see some of the chaps one knew so well, and who had started out in such good spirits on December 18th, lying there dead, some with horrible wounds due to the explosive action of the high-velocity bullet at short range.’ He detailed some men to bring in the rifles of his comrades but the Germans demurred at this; indeed, all rifles lying on their side of the halfway line they kept as spoils of war.
From his conversations with the Germans, he was also able to find out what had happened to his fellow officers who had been found missing after the attack. Very severely wounded, they had been among those seen by Lieutenant Hulse being dragged into the German trenches. One, Lieutenant The Hon. F. Hanbury- Tracy, had died after two days in the local hospital and had been buried in the German cemetery at Fromelles. Another officer whom the Germans had been unable to name had also died and been buried: from his description the Scotsmen were able to identify him as Lieutenant Nugent. Most of this information came from a Frenchspeaking officer, who kept on pointing to the British dead and saying, 'Les Braves, c'est bien dommage.' Loder gained the impression that they were treating their British prisoners well and had done all they could for the wounded.

Altogether about a hundred bodies were gathered for burial, and there then took place what must surely have been one of the most moving and memorable services of the war. Nineteen-year-old Second Lieutenant Arthur Pelham-Burn, of the 6/Gordon Highlanders, who intended to train for the Anglican ministry, was among the participants. He described the event in a letter to an old Lancing schoolfriend. Burying the dead was ‘awful, too awful to describe so I won’t attempt it’, but the ceremony that followed was different:
We then had a most wonderful joint burial service. Our Padre… arranged the prayers and psalm etc. and an interpreter wrote them out in German. They were read first in English by our Padre and then in German by a boy who was studying for the ministry. It was an extraordinary and most wonderful sight. The Germans formed up on one side, the English on the other, the officers standing in front, every head bared. Yes, I think it was a sight one will never see again.

Standing between the ranks of British and German officers, Chaplain Esslemont Adams spoke the familiar words of the 23rd Psalm, and in the cold, clear air they were echoed by the young Saxon divinity student by bis side:

The Lord is my shepherd: I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters.

Der Herr is mein Hirt: mir wird nichts mangeln.
Er weidet mich auf einer grünen Aue:
und führt mich zum frischen Wasser.

As the service came to an end there was a moment of silence, then the Chaplain stepped forward and saluted the German commander, who shook hands with him and bade him farewell. ‘It was an impressive sight,’ the Regimental History of the 6/Gordons recorded, ‘officers and men, bitter enemies as they were, uncovered, reverent, and for the moment united in offering for their dead the last offices of homage and honour.’

The joint burial service at Fleurbaix was the greatest occasion of its kind on Christmas Day; but at the other end of the scale there were some burial ceremonies no less moving because they concerned only one or two men. Captain Josef Sewald of the 17th Bavarian Regiment recalled being approached by a British officer with a special request:
An English lieutenant said there was a comrade who had been killed the previous afternoon, and they wished to bury this man. I said ‘Why not? - of course you can do it’, and so they brought the dead man, laid him on the ground, and we all laid a handful of earth upon him and together prayed the Lord’s Prayer: 'Vater unser, der du bist im Himmel, Geheiligt werde dein Name'.
As at Fleurbaix German and British voices echoed each other, each man present speaking the familiar words of the ‘Our Father’ in his own language.

Christmas Truce, Malcolm BROWN et Shirley SEATON, pages 86 à 91.
Messages : 1132
Inscription : jeu. sept. 21, 2006 2:00 am

Re: Joyeux Noel le film

Message par garance. »

ce qui me frappe tjrs c'est la propreté immaculée des uniformes
ils sortent de chez le teinturier plutôt que d'une tranchée boueuse
à bientôt
"Il pleuvait en cette nuit de Noël 1914, où les Rois Mages portaient des Minenwerfer."
Messages : 1950
Inscription : ven. juil. 08, 2005 2:00 am

Re: Joyeux Noel le film

Message par humanbonb »

Il ne faut pas oublier qu'il s'agit d'un film !
Pour ma part, il m'avait plutôt plu à l'époque et quoi qu'on en dise, il a au moins le mérite d'exister.

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Stephan @gosto
Messages : 5859
Inscription : dim. oct. 17, 2004 2:00 am
Localisation : Paris | Chartres | Rouen
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Re: Joyeux Noel le film

Message par Stephan @gosto »

Dernière modification par Stephan @gosto le mar. janv. 26, 2021 8:54 am, modifié 2 fois.
ICI > LE 74e R.I.
Actuellement : Le Gardien de la Flamme


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