Il fut Brillant

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Alain Dubois-Choulik
Messages : 8985
Inscription : lun. oct. 18, 2004 2:00 am
Localisation : Valenciennes
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Re: Il fut Brillant

Message par Alain Dubois-Choulik »

Je suis en avance pour un hommage anniversaire, mais cet article du correspondant Canadien du Times m'intriguait sans le nom
Br. J. F. B. Livesay, Canadian CoITespondent at the Front. writes:- A lieutenant of t celebrated French-Canadian battalion, since dead,' is recommended for the Victoria Cross on the following terms:- For most conspicuous gallantry and almost super- human devotion to duty. During the operations of August 8 and. 9 he was in charge of a company which he led during the two days with absolute fearlesness and extraordinary ability and initiative. About 1 o'clock in the afternoon of August 9, just after that day's attack had begun, his company's left flank was held up by an enemy machine-gun. He rushed and captured the machine-gun personally, killing two of the enemy crew. Whilst doing this he was wounded in the thigh, but refused to be evacuated. A little after 3 o'clock the same day, his company was held up by heavy machine-gun fire from a machine- gun nest in a group of houses., He reconnoitred the ground, personally organized a party of two platoons, and rushed straight for the machine-gun nest Here 150 Germans and 15 machine-guns were captured, the lieutenant nersonally killing five Germans. aMd being vounded a second time, now in the shoulder. which he had immediately dressed, agam refusmg to be evacuated. About 6 in the eve-ing of the same day he saw a field gun firing on his men over open sights. From a neighbouring wood ha immediately organized and led a rushing party towrards the gun, and after rogressing about 600 yards he wias seriously wounded in the abdomen. In spite Of this third wound, he continued to advance some 200 yards more, when he fecll un- conscious from exhaustion and loss of blood. His wonderful example throughout the day fired his men with an enthusiasm and fury which largely con- tributed towards the battalion's notable achievements that day." Seven other recommendations are made in con- nexion with the same battallon-the heroes of Courcelette. FRENCH-CANADIAN'S HEROISM. .A WONDERFUL EXAMPLE
(c'est le full text" fourni par le Times, il faut avouer qu'il n'est pas mauvais comme OCR - ROC si vous voulez)

Vous trouverez sa bio ICI (en français pour les irréductibles gaulois, mais qui ne se mettrait au syldave s'il le fallait, hmmm ?)
Les civils en zone occupée
Ma famille dans la grande guerre
Les Canadiens à Valenciennes
     "Si on vous demande pourquoi nous sommes morts, répondez : parce que nos pères ont menti." R. Kipling