film Stosstrup 1917

Arts graphiques - cinéma - musique & chansons - poésie - danse -
Messages : 14
Inscription : mer. juil. 09, 2008 2:00 am

Re: film Stosstrup 1917

Message par eilec »

Bonjour je cherche le film "Stosstrup 1917".
Quelqu'un le connait-il ?
Messages : 2099
Inscription : jeu. sept. 07, 2006 2:00 am

Re: film Stosstrup 1917

Message par saintchamond »


Je n'ai pas vu ce film de 1937, mais la date est parlante.

Le DVD (2 disques) est vendu par Amazon, en Allemagne, non sous-titré, pour 9,95 €
A voir ici : ... db-button/

La fiche du film se trouve ici :

Le scénariste Hans Zöberlein, mort en 1964, a fait parler de lui, si l'on en juge la base IMDB :
"WWI veteran, early member of the NSDAP and was member of the Munich city council in 1933 and 1934.
Commanded a terror raid in Penzberg on April 28 and 29, 1945 in which, after the local city council council's break with the NSDAP was crushed by the Wehrmacht, 16 citizens who were deemed "non-reliable" were executed. For this he was sentenced to death in June 1948. His life was saved by the abolition of the death penalty in 1949 in the new German constitution and the verdict was changed to 20 years prison. He was pardoned in the late 1950s, due to bad health.
WWI veteran, joined the Freikorps Epp in 1919, then the NSDAP, took part in the failed coup d'etat of November 8 and 9, 1923 (the so-called "Hitlerputsch") and finally rose to the Rank of SA-Brigadegeneral in 1943.
Was the first head of the "Kulturamt" (office for cultural affairs) in Munich till 1935, when he had to leave due to creative differences with Adolf Hitler."

Bonne journée,


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